Thursday, June 13, 2013

English and Natural History

 Today my dad and I taught an English lesson at the orphanage/boarding school. The lesson was about how to say things like where you are from and what nationality a person is, and my dad drew a map of the world on the chalkboard and asked the kids where Mozambique and some it’s bordering countries were. The students were shy, but many of them eager—especially Felicia, who did not attend our class because it was too elementary for her since she is the only twelfth-grader at the school. After class, though, we (and by we, I mean my dad) helped her with her homework and chatted a bit in English. One interesting thing about the orphanage is the relaxed attitude about the place. My dad and I showed up, one of our favorite nuns asked if we were going to teach a lesson, we said yes, she called the girls, and a group came. Also, both today and Tuesday another regular volunteer at the orphanage had told us she would meet us at ten, and both times she showed up after eleven, unapologetically. Although Felicia told us that one is expected to be at class on time, we have learned over the years that, when it comes to social commitments, being on time has a different meaning here.

            After lunch, Eduardo, Caleb and I went to the National Museum of Natural 
History, which included many interesting displays such as fetal elephants in the various stages of development; various preserved snakes, sea creatures, and insects; and a hippo skeleton. I hope this museum is able to gain revenue in the coming years as Mozambique continues to grow—it is tiny, but fun. And of course I was dazzled by a museum that allowed picture-taking.

Elephant Fetus at 10 Months
Hippo Skeleton
Tomorrow we'll be heading to the famous Kruger Park to check out some wildlife. Until I return, please think of me commiserating with this pretend shark.  

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