25, 2012
Last Friday, we left Mozambique and
entered the last absolute monarchy in Africa—that’s right—Swaziland. But I’m
not writing this to talk about politics (although it was very interesting to
see the photos of King Mswati III and Queen Mother Ntombi at almost every
public place we visited); I’m writing mostly to talk about the interesting and
lovely animals we encountered on our visits to Mkhaya Game Reserve and Hlane
Royal National Park.
Mkhaya is a reserve which specializes
in endangered species; right now they have a breeding program going on for both
the roan and sable antelope, and if you love rare antelopes like me, that is
pretty exciting! Unfortunately, those guys haven’t been integrated into
Mkhaya’s general population yet, so visitors aren’t able to see them. When we
arrived at Mkhaya, the entrance was marked only by one small sign and nothing
was to be seen except a few non-functioning cars and a tiny concrete building.
We did see a promising-looking ranger, however, and when we asked him if we
were in the right place, he told us that we would follow his four-wheeler to a
building called the farmhouse, where we could sign our paperwork and leave our
car behind. When we arrived, the first thing we saw in front of the large
farmhouse was a huge display holding more than 30 rhinoceros skulls. Upon
reading the information posted nearby, we discovered that they represented only
a small portion of those rhinos lost to poaching in recent years. The information also boasted,
however, that poaching is now illegal in Swaziland—offenders can face
5-15 years in prison—and the rhino populations are on the rise.
After lunch, we decided to check out
our house. I’ve included a picture so that you can see what a beautiful place
it is—fluffy beds fitted with the deluxe kind of mosquito nets (that is, those
with a square frame), and a rustic feel. So rustic, in fact, that you get a
great view of the bush from . . . well, anywhere. A couple of posts ago I
mentioned that you need to ask if a place has hot water, a toilet, and
electricity. You also should ask if it
has walls.
On our evening drive, however, we
found that it was all worth it. As soon as we set out, we saw a curious sight
in the road—I thought at first that it was a snake skin, and it was also
guessed that it might be an electric wire, since Mkhaya has several electric
fences to control which animals are in which parts of the park. Upon further
inspection, however, we saw that it was a long chain of caterpillars! I am not
usually looking for insects on a game drive, but I thought it was extremely
interesting to see so many of these guys following each other.
Later, however, we saw another jeep
stopped, and we knew something good was nearby. It turned out to be our black
rhino from before, but at a much closer range. We relished the opportunity to
take some photos, and eventually the rhino became curious. Rhinos have very
poor eyesight, but excellent hearing and sense of smell, so he came sniffing up
to us until he was only a few feet from my camera lens. All I could think about
as I leaned back and continued to snap pictures was Moses saying last year: “If
you even think about a black rhino, climb a tree.” Eventually, though, he lost
interest and sauntered back to his far more interesting leaves.
The next day, we went on a morning
game drive, during which we encountered what looked like a herd of wildebeest
with two unicorns in their company. They turned out, however, to be albino
juvenile wildebeest.
We also took a bush walk, and we came
across a lone male white rhino who, according to our guide, was sniffing in
search of a female. But what entered his nostrils was the smell of humans, and
he became quite curious. We crouched down to make ourselves look
unintimidating, since prey animals only charge if threatened; the best advice
for the bush is to not look like a predator to a prey animal and to not look
like prey to a predator. I’ve included a photo which shows the rhino and our
guide so you can sort of get an idea of how close he was—after he got closer
than that, I stopped taking pictures for fear of agitating him. He soon decided,
though, that we were harmless and continued his quest for the ladies.
We also encountered this lovely scene
during our walk—a crash of eight white rhinos and two buffaloes. They were quite
relaxed, and we enjoyed the view for a while before sneaking off. That night,
we saw some lovely animals on our evening drive, but one of the most
interesting things was not what we saw, but what we heard. Most people know that
hyenas make a quite creepy laughing sound, but shortly after we noticed a hyena
hooting (that’s another sound they make), we heard, from another part of the park,
what sounded almost—but not quite—like human screams. We learned that this is
the sound black-backed jackals make, and together with hyenas, they are an
unsettling but interesting duo!
The next day, we went for a final morning drive at Mkhaya, had breakfast, and headed to Hlane Royal Game Reserve. This reserve was the king’s private hunting ground before it opened to the public, and, in a “king of the jungle” kind of symbolism, it is famed for its lions. After we arrived, we headed to the place we were staying for the night (we were relieved to see that it had walls), and after having some lunch, we went on a guided evening drive. Almost immediately after entering the part of the park which has lions, we saw three beautiful lionesses. This one was basking in the fading sun, having already had her share, and the other two were hiding behind a bush nervously defending their kill. One of them, when she heard the engine of our car, picked up the entire slab of meat and trotted a few kilometers away so she could eat in peace. After we left the lions, we came across this lovely herd of elephants and enjoyed them as the sun set.
There are so many things that I want
to tell you about, but there’s just so much to tell! So I'll end here by saying that on Monday, we headed back
to Maputo and on Tuesday I had my final Portuguese lesson for the summer.
-Geek in Mozambique